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Ciudad de México

Imprints: Mexico City and the World is a series of dialogues between UNAM academics and their colleagues in countries where the university maintains a presence.

In this series they address a range of different ways in which Mexico City is connected with the wider world.

How have the world’s great cultural movements impacted on Mexico City?

How were they incorporated, altered or reinterpreted?

Do they still remain relevant today?

How has Mexico City historically influenced other parts of the world?

In Imprints, the UNAM International Offices address through dialogues the different influences from around the world that have historically interacted with Mexican culture, and with Mexico City in particular.


International Offices

Learn more about the participating UNAM International Offices


Meet our participating speakers

Centro de la ciudad

Institutional acknowledgments

Cátedra Cowdray en la Universidad de Leeds

Colegio de Letras Modernas de la Universidad de St Andrews en  Escocia

Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Costa Rica

Freie Universität Berlin 

Fundación Archivo de Indianos, Asturias

Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la UNAM

Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas de la UNAM

Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Alcalá

Museo del Pueblo de Asturias


School of Fine Arts, University of Connecticut

UNAM Global

Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Universidad Omar Bongo de Gabón

Universität Potsdam

Universidad de Sevilla

The overall design of the project was by Nancy Bello, Indebran Torres, Nalleli Pérez and Paulina Morales, Design graduates from the FES Acatlán and the FES Cuautitlán UNAM and currently interns at the UNAM’s Department of International Affairs and the Center for Mexican Studies UNAM-España.

Tall Buildings in Mexico
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