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Presence and influence of Spanish immigration in Mexico

at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century



Dra. Alicia Gil Lázaro (associate professor in the Department of Economics and Economic History, in the Area of History and Economic Institutions, at the University of Seville)

Dr. Pedro Pérez Herrero (director of the University Institute of  Research in Latin American Studies (IELAT) of the UAH)

 Dr. Agustín Sánchez Andrés (research professor at the Institute of Historical Research at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo)


Moderator: Adriana Suárez del Real (executive at UNAM-España)

Photograph: INAH México

This dialogue offers a panoramic overview of the role of Mexico and Spain within the process of the great migrations of the 19th century and early 20th century: the movement of people from Europe to the Americas. It is calculated that some 3.5 million Spaniards left the country for new lives in the different countries of the Americas. Although most of them were headed for the River Plate region, Brazil, or Cuba, Mexico was also an important destination. The great majority came to live in Mexico City. This dialogue will examine the causes that drove the migrants to leave Spain and seek to establish their lives in Mexico. We will also explore some of the characteristics of these Spanish migrants and the impact that they came to have on Mexico City in the economic, social and cultural realms.

Agustín Sánchez Andrés

Research Professor at the Institute of Historical Research at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo and a member of Mexico’s National System of Researchers (level III). He holds a PhD in History from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has been visiting researcher at a number of institutions in Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Venezuela and Chile. He is the author of over 100 publications on relations between Spain and Ibero-America and has published and edited (both solely and jointly) a diverse range of works on the subject, including: Una historia de encuentros y desencuentros. México y España en el siglo XIX (Mexico, 2001); El Ministerio de Ultramar. Una institución liberal para el gobierno de las colonias (Madrid, 2007); Imágenes e imaginarios sobre España en México (Mexico, 2008); México y la cuestión española en la Sociedad de Naciones (Tenerife, 2009); De Madrid a México. El exilio español y su impacto sobre la ciencia y el sistema educativo mexicano (Madrid, 2011); Las independencias iberoamericanas (Caracas, 2012); Los nuevos estados latinoamericanos y su inserción en el contexto internacional, 1810-1903 (Grenoble, 2012); Historia de las relaciones entre España y México, 1821-2014 (Madrid, 2015); Relaciones internacionales y construcción nacional: América Latina, 1810-1910 (Santiago de Chile, 2019) and Entre la espada y la pared. El fracaso del primer experimento autonómico español en Cuba, 1897-1898 (Castellón, 2020).

Captura de pantalla 2020-11-11 a la(s) 1

Dr. Agustín Sánchez Andrés (research professor at the Institute of Historical Research at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo)

Captura de pantalla 2020-11-11 a la(s) 1
Dra. Alicia Gil Lázaro (associate professor in the Department of Economics and Economic History, in the Area of History and Economic Institutions, at the University of Seville)

Alicia Gil Lázaro

Alicia Gil Lázaro has a PhD in History from El Colegio de México (Mexico) and the University of Alcalá (Spain). She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Economic History, in the Area of History and Economic Institutions, at the University of Seville. Her research work focuses on the study of contemporary Spanish emigration, especially aspects related to the return and social welfare of migrant communities. She is the author of Inmigración y retorno. Españoles en la Ciudad de México, 1900-1936 (2015), and co-author of El retorno. Migración económica y exilio político en América Latina y España, and Migrações atlánticas no mundo contemporâneo (séculos XIX-XXI): novas abordagens e avanços teóricos. She is also the author of more than thirty papers and book chapters in Spanish, Mexican, Brazilian and Argentine publications. She has organised several research colloquia and seminars and participated in different research projects, including La prensa de la emigración española: acción cultural, patriotismo y recreación identitaria. Estudios de caso en Argentina, Cuba, México y Uruguay, 1870-1960 (IP: Concepción Navarro Azcúe-UCM, HAR2015-64494-R) and PIP 2017-2019-RES-2018-8-APN-DIR#CONICET/29-01-18 "Los españoles en la ciudad de Buenos Aires: estrategias y trayectorias de integración económica y socio-cultural (1914-2014)".

Pedro Pérez Herrero

Professor at the University of Alcalá. Doctor in History from  El Colegio de México (Mexico) and the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).  Corresponding member of the Mexican Academy of History. Decoration of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle, in insignia grade (2015). Director of the Master's Degree in “Latin America  and the European Union: a strategic cooperation”. Director of the University Institute of  Research in Latin American Studies (IELAT) of the UAH. He has published 17 books as an  author and 22 as editor-coordinator. He is the author of 81 book chapters and 57 articles in  specialized journals on American history. He has presented papers in 110 national and  international Congresses. He has directed 31 doctoral Dissertations. He has dictated 104  conferences. 36 years of quality research recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education 

Dr. Pedro Pérez Herrero (director of the University Institute of  Research in Latin American Studies (IELAT) of the UAH)
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